Future of Work Trends: Is your Culture Ready?


July 30, 2021

Written by María Eugenia Raffaele

Where is the future of work taking us, and how ready is your organizational culture for it? 

The rapid advance of technologies, globalization, and demographic changes, have always made the world of work undergo transformations. The thing is, however, that the COVID-19 accelerated our journey much sooner than expected, deepening some challenges and offering new opportunities at the same time.

Where are companies standing today? While some have successfully adapted to drastic changes and find themselves ready to embrace future workplace trends, others might find it harder to find their North Star.

#1: Flexible and remote work will shape the future

You’d better have a comfortable office chair at home because the hybrid work model is here to stay. Although flexible working was standard long before the pandemic, by 2025 it’s estimated that 70% of the workforce will be working remotely at least some days a month. Plus, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter has already announced that his employees will be allowed to work remotely for good, together with tech companies like Facebook, Square, and Zillow, which will continue offering flexible possibilities to work remotely regardless of the pandemic.

Challenge: Top managers can’t continue waiting for a “back to normal office scenario”; they will inevitably have to rethink their work model policies. Big companies’ bold moves in this matter are leading employees to demand more flexibility – especially since many have stated their productivity was the same or even higher while working remotely during the pandemic.  

#2: From digital transformation by choice to a necessity

I’ve seen this joke many times on social media for the past year.


This is pretty representative of today’s corporate world. Nearly all companies have realized that many activities, when carried out remotely, are more effective, reduce unnecessary expenses and save time. So, becoming digital is one of the top future work trends.

Challenge: While most companies already have the resources to transform digitally, many still ignore the need to shift their “mindset” towards a digital culture that empowers people to make the most of their digital experience.

#3: Understanding Generation Z  


#4: New recruiting strategies

Organizations can now hire employees anywhere in the world. This trend will continue growing and reaching broader and diverse talent outside your local community will imply new recruiting strategies.  The world of business will become more competitive, and in order to truly expand their talent and resources, companies will have to optimize time and methods to the fullest.


Challenge: Companies will need to use technology, AI, and recruiting KPIs to plan their search smartly. Plus, the virtual hiring process will imply transmitting cultural values, discussing future goals and professional development opportunities in order to attract new talent, guarantee a successful virtual onboarding experience, and retainpeople over time.

#5: Technology and AI will shape job roles

Driven by the pandemic push, companies around the world have adopted more AI for their business than ever. This is leading to a new change in job roles: Instead of hiring employees with skills to perform permanent office tasks, the trend is to build more knowledge-based and cognitive teams with task oriented skills

See for yourself:


 #6: Adjustments in leadership and management

Ok, yes. technology is and will be all around us. But, mind you, your teams are made up of human beings, not robots. Responding to human needs, helping individuals grow in all areas of their lives, looking after their well-being and ensuring a high-performance will represent a great challenge for people leading remotely in the years to come.

Gartner pointed out three dimensions that will define the employer-employee relationship in the future of work:


Challenge: Remember trending #3? Your company will be in the hands of the young talent you have today. So, building a solid base of talent ready to be the next generations of leaders is a future workplace trend hard to face, especially for  companies with weak leadership.

How to Get Ready for the Future of Work? Culture Comes First

Still on board with us? If you went on reading, here comes the part you’ve been probably waiting for! How to get ready for all this?

The truth is that ‘following’  future workplace trends merely for the sake of ‘not being left behind ’ won’t give you any competitive edge. Actually, you’ll be mostly blending in other than standing out in the world of business.

Along with keeping up with trends,  you should also build a future-ready culture in order to respond to challenges standing on solid ground.

Your guiding light to make it happen? Set yourself these 3 goals and nurture their cultural principles everyday.


Easier said than done, right?

#1:Flexible and remote work will shape the future’


Don’t let remote work make you lose your sense of humanity: Work has moved home, so make your culture feel like home too.  Consider adopting digital solutions to keep your teams connected, building genuine relationships based on trust and respect. 

#2: The need to transform digitally


Digital cultural transformations require a human approach and solutions tailored to every company’s needs and identity

Based on your cultural model, look for the solution that suits your mission, vision and values. 

#3: Understanding Generation Z’

  • How will you understand their needs to offer them the resources they need to develop professionally?
  • How will you make them more visible and give them the chance to make a difference?
  • How does your company respond and commit to social matters such as sustainability and diversity and inclusion

Use metrics and People Analytics to gain greater visibility of your employees’ performance and needs. When you get to know them better, you can offer tailored growth opportunities to every individual.

#4: New recruiting strategies

Apart from recruiting people virtually, 


#5: Technology and AI will shape job roles


Embrace augmented accelerators and disruptors, which use AI to reinvent key aspects of your organization – from processes, to connections and engagement with customers. By harnessing the power of AI and emerging technologies you can optimize your  processes and results while moving forward.

 #6: Adjustments in leadership and management

How can you make sure they won’t lose sight of the human aspect in the daily work routine?


See now? All trends in the world of business are crossed by organizational culture. If you navigate future changes, losing sight of the fact that only culture keeps things moving forward, you’re likely to fail in the short run…

So what’s my conclusion on how to get ready for the future of work? Trends will always change over time, and keeping up with them is essential to stay relevant and competitive. However, planning and building a strong future culture is the milestone to succeed, by keeping your people together and ready to face any challenge.


Digital Transformation, Future of Work Trends, Gen Z


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